
Create and manage project libraries in the dashboard.

What are libraries in Qonic?

Currently Qonic supports four types of libraries: Codification libraries, Material libraries , Property libraries and Location libraries. Libraries are defined on project level and can be used in the model environment, for example to assign a new material or classification code to an object.

Defining project libraries

To define a new library, open a project in the dashboard and go to the Libraries tab at the top of the screen. Here you will find an overview of the current libraries in the project. Click the New button at the bottom right corner of the screen to define a new project library. 

Codification libraries

Codification libraries are used to assign classification codes to objects in your models, which will help keep the models more organized and can help in creating automated quantity takeoffs and schedules.

When creating a new project codification library, you can create a new one from scratch, or choose from a list of predefined templates or classification systems. These systems are linked to the buildingSMART Data Dictionary to ensure you always have access to the latest updates of the most commonly used systems.

Once a codification library is added to the project you can open and view it, or you can start assigning classification codes in your models using the Inspect panel.

Some classification systems come with predefined measurement definitions that define which quantities will be calculated when generating a quantity take-off. For instance, external walls classified with the code of the NRM system - as shown in the image below - will have their area calculated in a quantity take-off. 

Once a codification library is defined it can be edited; existing codes can be modified or removed, and new codes can be added. To edit a code, hover over the code and click the ellipsis icon at the right-hand side. You will have the options to:

  • edit the selected code,
  • insert a new row on the same level as the selected code,
  • create a sub level of the selected code,
  • delete the selected code.

When adding a new code or editing an existing one, you can define the identification code, the name and optionally a measurement definition. 

Material libraries

Material libraries are used to assign physical materials to objects in your models. Currently Qonic comes with one default library template containing some commonly used construction materials. This library can be edited and extended. To edit a material, hover over the material, click the ellipsis icon on the right-hand side and click Edit. You can define a new color, name and optionally a description of the material. To add a new material, scroll down and click Add Material.

Once a material library is added to the project you can open and view it, or you can start using them in models using tools such as Add Layer or Replace with Layer.

Property libraries

Property libraries are used to define and manage properties and property sets. By default every project contains two property libraries: a predefined read-only Qonic Properties library based on the IFC schema, and Custom Properties library which can be modified to create and manage your own properties.

The predefined Qonic Properties library shows all the property sets and associated properties defined in the different IFC versions, as well as the data type and, if relevant, the measurement type of each property.

To define your own properties, open the Custom Properties library, and click the Add property set button at the bottom right. Give your new property set a name, and choose at least one IFC Class or predefined type this property set should be applicable to.

In this property set you can now add new property definitions. These property definitions should have a name and a data type, and optionally a measurement type and unit.

Once these new properties are added they can be added to products in the project models. For more information about how to add these properties, read the article on the Inspect Panel

Location library

The location library contains all spatial locations in the project: Sites, Buildings, Floors, Spaces and other types of locations. When importing a model into your Qonic project, the spatial locations contained within that model will automatically be added to the projects location library. 

For every location the name is displayed, as well as the type and the number of models that reference this location. It is possible to share the same location over multiple models, for instance when working with different discipline models of the same building.

In this location library you can edit or remove existing locations, as well as create new locations. 

Note: when removing a location that is referenced in one or more models, you are effectively removing data from that model. Do this with caution, as this change is irreversible.