Assembly Editing
Manually adjust hierarchical relations between parts by creating and dissolving assemblies, or by adding and removing parts to and from assemblies.
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Manually adjust hierarchical relations between parts by creating and dissolving assemblies, or by adding and removing parts to and from assemblies.
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Qonic supports hierarchical relations between parts in the form of assemblies. For example, a curtain wall could consist of members and plates, or a staircase could consist of stair flights, slabs and railings. Nested assemblies are also supported; the railing in the aforementioned staircase could in turn consist of some plates and members. To see hierarchical relations between parts, select the parts and open the Inspect panel. In the image below, a stair is selected consisting of 2 stair flights, a slab and a railing, which in turn consists of 13 members and 4 plates.
Qonic comes with some tools to manage these relations: Create Assembly, Dissolve Assemblies, Add to Assembly and Remove from Assemblies.