Your organization

Read this article to learn more about your organization in Qonic, how to invite team members and how to define organization roles.

When signing up to Qonic, you will either have received an invitation to join an existing organization, or you will create your own organization upon signup. Either way, your account is always part of an organization.

If you are owner of the organization you can manage your organization members and other settings by clicking the Organization button in the bottom left corner of the dashboard (1).

Navigate to the Members tab (2) to manage organization members. In the Settings tab (3) you can manage other information such as the organization name.

Add coworkers to your organization by clicking the Add members button in the bottom right corner of the Members tab.

Once someone is invited to the organization, you can assign them a role: 

  • Owner: can access all projects, manage organization settings, members and billing
  • User: can access specified projects

Remove a user from your organization by hovering over their name and clicking the ellipsis icon on the right of the screen. An organization must always have at least one Owner.