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Report Panel

Use the Report panel to generate a table view of objects in your model along with their quantities and properties.

Open the Report panel by clicking the table icon at the top left of your screen.

When opening this panel for the first time, the grouping and filtering rules that were last used in the Browse panel will be used here. You can choose to edit this structure by clicking the ellipsis icon, or click Generate to create the table view with associated quantities for each row. Note that for large models, calculating the quantities for a large table can take a while.

The following columns will be available in the table:

  • Item
    This displays the objects in your model, structured using customizable grouping and filtering rules. To change this structure, click the ellipsis button in the top-right corner of the Report panel and click Edit Structure. You can find more information about groups and filters in this article about the Browse panel. Double-click an item to select the associated objects in your model.
  • Quantity, along with their Unit and Measurement
    For each item (row) in the report panel you can calculate a combined measurement of all objects in that row. The default measurement definition that is used is Count ("how many objects are there of this type/with this property/of this class..."), with the following exceptions:
    • If all objects within that item are either Curtain Walls, Roofs or Walls, the default measurement will be set to Net Area.
    • If all objects within that item are either Beams, Footings, Slabs or Columns, the default measurement will be set to Net Volume.
    • If all objects within that item are either Duct Segments, Flow Segments, Distribution Flow Elements or Cable Carrier Segments, the default measurement will be set to Length.
    You can always change the Measurement and Unit of a table item by clicking the respective buttons indicated in grey. To get visual feedback how a certain quantity is calculated, you can select one or more rows, and under the ellipsis icon at the end of the row, click Quantities Preview.
  • Properties (optional)
    You can add property columns to your report by clicking the ellipsis button and clicking Add Properties. Any property currently used in the model can be added to or removed from the table. If a table item contains multiple objects with different values for a given property, these property values will be listed separated by a comma. 
  • Color Override (optional)
    For each item in the table you can apply a temporary color override, by selecting the row and under the ellipsis icon clicking the Colorize button. If you have no rows selected, you can instead choose to colorize all, which will apply a unique color to each row in the panel.
    The colorize button will temporarily override the color of the geometry in the selected item(s), allowing you to get quick visual feedback of the geometry contained in a single table item. 

To summarize with an example, the image above has the following meaning:

  • The table is grouped first by Building, then by Floor, then by Class. 
  • The combined net volume of all Beams on the 1st Floor of Building One is 2.62 m³. These beams currently have a yellow color override applied.
  • There are 27 Doors on the 1st Floor. At least one of them has an Acoustic Rating of 40, at least one of them has a Fire rating of F60 and at least one of them has a Fire Rating of F90. To know precisely which ones have these exact values, you can use Acoustic Rating and/or Fire Rating as grouping rules instead of as a property column. 
  • There are 71 Furnishing Elements on the 1st Floor. None of them have an Acoustic Rating or Fire Rating. 
  • The combined net volume of all Slabs on the 1st Floor is 185,4 . Some (or all) of these slabs have an Acoustic Rating of 45 and/or a Fire Rating of F120 or F60. These slabs currently have an orange color override applied.
  • There is 1 Stair on the 1st Floor, which has a Fire Rating of F120.

Once the report is set up the way you want, you can save it to the project dashboard by clicking the ellipsis button at the top-right of the panel, and clicking Export Report. This report can now be consulted in the project Reports section.