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Selection modes

Navigation Mode versus Hover Mode

There are two different selection modes in Qonic: Navigate and Hover.  

By default, Navigate mode is active as this is the most versatile mode. It allows you to navigate through the model as outlined in the previous section. 

Hover mode is especially useful when working with nested parts and assemblies. It allows you to see how many parts there are on each level of the part tree, and to select parts on any level of the tree.  

There are several ways to access Hover mode: 

  • Click Hover under the Select button on the left-hand side of the screen. This will enable Hover mode until you either click Navigate mode, or hit Escape.  
  • Left click and hold for 1 second. This will activate Hover mode until you release the left mouse button. On touch devices, just touch and hold the screen for 1 second.  

Once in Hover mode, there are two ways to cycle between the different levels in an assembly: 

  • Scroll the mouse wheel to quickly cycle up and down the assembly. 
  • Left click (or touch) and hold while hovering the cursor over the same part. This will automatically start cycling through the different levels.